Friday, October 18, 2019

How to Care for your Bespoke Suits

A Bespoke offers longevity as it takes its form from free floating canvas interlining which sets with your body shape and some excess fabric to ease alteration over the years. It’s unique in itself and value for money as several bespoke experts like a cutter, tailor, trouser maker and presser work together to produce a debonair look.

Here are a few tips to care for your bespoke :


It's very important to hang your custom suits on sturdy and wide wood hangers. Plastic hangers will cause your jacket shoulders to compress. When you are not wearing your suit it is best to store it in a garment bag, hung up in the wardrobe. Moths can be an issue so we recommend using a natural deterrent such as cedar wood or lavender to keep your suit, as well as your other clothes, fresh and damage-free as recommended by the experts of bespoke suits in Dubai.


Bespoke suits are dry-clean-only, however, you should try and have your suit dry cleaned as little as possible, as the chemicals used will strip the natural oils found in the wool, making your suit more susceptible to damage. You may opt for spot cleaning to get rid of specific stains and spill areas as recommended by our casual suit tailors at m2m.


Do not wear your bespoke suit every day as it will wear out quickly. So a good collection will surely keep you sorted. Our expert tailors of bespoke suit in Dubai are superb craftsmen to offer a variety. Pay a visit today!


Steam iron your suit to loosen wrinkles to keep it in top notch condition. Our casual suit tailors recommend getting it steam ironed from a dry cleaner.


Brush your suit regularly to remove any dust and dirt. Use a pure bristle brush to redistribute the natural oils in the wool


Regular wearing of suits may cause wearing of the same and require Reforking. The crotch is usually the first area to wear. When this happens, you can have a new piece of cloth stitched into your trousers to ‘refork’ them. For more information visit m2m and talk to our expert casual suits tailors.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great post! The pictures are endearing! Tailor Made Bespoke Suit does give a unique, empowering feel& great confidence necessary to walk in the crowd.
